It is a polyester polyurethane resin-based, two-component, solvent-free and color midcoat flooring , which is used as self levelling multilayer or thin coat flexible coating.
- Self-levelling flooring in thickness of 1-3mm at sport fields ,
- For exhibition and fair halls and offices subject to light pedestrian and vehicle traffic ,
- For hospitals , polyclinics , laboratory, playpens , kindergartens, poultry hatcheries and slaughter houses where hygienic and flexibility conditions are required.
A 19,5-kg set of RESIN FLOOR FLEX consists of Component A in one pail of net 16 kg and Component B in one gallon of net 3,5 kg.
- Forms a monolithic flooring which does not require joint ,
- Don’t cause physical fatigue, flexible structure ,
- High pressure and abrasion resistance ,
- Easy to apply , provides flat and smooth surface with good levelling, long time for recoating interval.